About me

Choosing to work with me and explore your emotional landscape is something I consider a great honour. You want to know you’re in good hands, so allow me to share some of my story and why I feel I was born to do this work.
As a child to strict parents (a chronically ill mother and busy-with-work father), I quickly learned how to be helpful without getting in the way… and how best to avoid disappointing anyone.
Every school report led with the words, “Catherine is extremely conscientious”, and I sought safety in being the good girl. I worked hard to ensure everyone stayed pleased with me and to earn their approval. Sadly this didn’t spare me what happened next…
The day I received my acceptance letter to university, my father abruptly left. Within three years, my mum developed cancer, we lost our home and most of our possessions, and she died in the weeks before my final exams.
In shock and feeling more alone and vulnerable than ever, I knew I’d need another source of safety. Something far deeper than being a “nice person” and hoping for the best. I needed to resource myself from the inside out.
I devoured clues and insights from my Psychology degree, studied and trained in counselling, hypnoanalysis and psychotherapy, EFT and more – all while holding down a stressful, almost 24/7 job in the print industry. Nearing burnout, I made a choice…
I decided to leap.
At 26, scared yet excited, I handed in my notice, took a luxury holiday in the Caribbean (that I could barely afford), and returned to set up my own business as a therapist. I dedicated myself to deeply understanding how humans function, what lights us up and what kills that flame.

I’m always exploring pathways to truth in our physical reality and emotional landscapes. It’s my life’s work to clear our inner distortions and those we project onto the world around us, so we can be truly at peace in our lives.
I deeply value freedom and accountability, and feel blessed to guide those eager to know themselves and live more radiantly.
I’ve faced many personal challenges and setbacks in adulthood too – fertility issues and miscarriages, marital infidelity and divorce, along with home and family losses. I am grateful for all the lessons and opportunities that have opened up as other things fell away.
Over two decades, I’ve worked thousands of hours with people across 3 continents, and happily accepted invitations to speak to global audiences of growth-orientated humans. I cannot imagine a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
Allow me to guide you on my tried and true path to transformation, and together, let’s create a life that lights you up from the inside.
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