
a 6 month 1:1 transformational journey

The Evolve Journey

My unique 9-step system to guide you to stand powerfully in your own authority, consciously create a life of meaning and integrity, and step into your fullest potential. Via Zoom or in-person, this is a truly transformational experience.


To see if this is right for you, I offer a free 30-60 minute Zoom call. We’ll explore your situation and give you the clarity you need – whether that’s to sign up with me or pursue another avenue.

Where do I go from here?

Have you been living under other people’s rules keeping you trapped and small? Or buried by self-imposed restrictions about who you should be and what you should be doing?

This is so common in caring, compassionate people who are deeply aware of the needs and expectations of others, yet struggle to advocate for themselves without crushing guilt or fear of rejection.

Does this sound familiar?

  • Who even am I?

    The world has changed and so have you. You’re starting to question some ways your identity is tied to the roles you play, and who you might be instead.

  • “Why do I struggle to say “no” to people?”

    You spend buckets of energy on other people’s goals and dreams, leaving nothing for yourself. Figuring out healthy boundaries is on your list… somewhere.

  • “When will people realise I have needs too?”

    Behind the façade, you’re simmering with resentment yet find it so hard to ask for help.

  • “What would people think if I actually spoke my mind?”

    Pursuing your dreams seems a long way off when you’ve spent years pouring energy into an unfulfilling life. It’s hard to admit you’re feeling empty or made a mistake along the way and upsetting the status quo feels overwhelming and selfish.

  • “Why am I so easily triggered?”

    You’re frequently pulled into everyone else’s dramas, and inside you feel ready to explode at times – but this scares you a little and you find ways to numb the feelings.

  • “I can’t even hear myself think!”

    A million distractions take centre stage, pushing your dreams further and further into the wings. You feel like a support act rather than the lead role in your life.

The truth is that you’re ready to evolve!

You have outgrown the coping strategies that began as genuine survival attempts in your early past yet now are holding you back from being fully YOU, with the confidence that comes with living a clarified and aligned life.


Imagine if you could:

Know yourself and what makes you tick…

Waking up each morning with a strong sense of self and what you want from life.

Set reasonable expectations for others…

So they know what you are and aren’t available for, thus encouraging more respect (and self-respect).

State your needs without shame…

You can ask for help and allow it in, helping you feel more loved and supported.

Be comfortable speaking your mind and accept being wrong on occasion…

You’re relaxed and have nothing to prove or defend. Curiosity drives you forwards.

See people’s manipulative tendencies clearly and decline the invitation to their games…

Now you have language for what previously left you speechless with frustration, and can navigate the tactics used in your less healthy relationships.

Your mind is clear and focussed on what matters most…

Every day feels like a great opportunity to make a difference where it counts and drive your life in a more fulfilling direction.

The Evolve Journey

Introducing my 6 month 1:1 guided journey back to your true nature and calling, using my unique combination of life coaching, hypnotherapy, journaling, embodiment and other exercises across 3 main pillars. 

We resolve the three problem areas that cause you to feel stuck or even swimming in overwhelm as you disentangle from your old life and find a firm footing again.

These are:

  • Loss of your identity
  • Feeling lonely and disconnected
  • Trapped in the chaos and noise with no clear direction.

There are nine key steps on this Journey:

  • Creating a deeply resourced growth container for the work
  • Designing your personal Values Compass
  • Establishing healthy boundaries
  • Exploring triggers and integrating shadows
  • Inner child connection
  • Exposing relationship dramas and projections
  • The light shadow and embodying your potential
  • Identifying your hidden inner barriers, the old story and how it remains strong
  • Bridging the gaps in your skills, life structures and behaviour practices to align with your new self
Here’s what you get in Evolve:
  • 12 private coaching sessions with me, in person or via Zoom over a 6 month time span, tailored to your unique circumstances. (We meet fortnightly/bi-weekly)
  • Access to selected resources including my workbooks and videos, bespoke hypnosis audios and links to further information and tools as needed to further support you between sessions.
  • On completion of your Journey, you will receive a personalised Self-Declaration to sign and keep, which is a tangible reminder of how far you’ve come on this journey, plus your intentions for your life ahead drawn together in black and white, honouring your commitment through this period of growth and transformation.
  • Freedom to be yourself and live by your own moral compass and authority

This Journey is for sensitive, empathic souls ready to break out of their old identity and limitations, embrace meaning and changes in their life, and are craving the clarity and deep self-worth they need, to emerge confident and radiating with inner authority.


You may have explored personal development to some extent but realise that you need 1:1 support and guidance as you navigate the hidden barriers and messy middle of your journey, and you’re seeking a more profound transformation than you can get from books, courses or group programmes. 


You may have experienced this decade differently from most, having awakened to some core truths about health and the many layers of cultural control that hook deeply into our fears of standing in our own authority. The disruption to your relationships, your career perhaps, and your prior understanding of the world are now ready for your closer attention as you forge a new path ahead with awareness and discernment for the truth.


Although it’s important we clarify certain areas of past trauma that may consciously or otherwise be affecting your current life, this programme is not ideally suited to working through deep, ongoing trauma and PTSD. Where this is the case, we can discuss alternative options.


Also not suitable for children under 18 years.

In order to make the most empathic choices as you face your challenges, it’s necessary to consider many factors, from your past and early childhood conditioning, the limiting stories these created, your current relationships, your own personal needs and where you want to be heading. 


I see this as the kind of work that benefits from a more bespoke, 1:1 therapeutic coaching relationship, rather than following a group structure with limited access to personalised support.


I have woven the most important features of my 20+ years’ work into this framework to give you the best guidance and support throughout your personal transformation without any fluff or nonsense – you need streamlined attention to where it matters most! 


For the cost of a modest annual family break, you could gift yourself something far more replenishing and transformative with ongoing benefits.


One payment of £1950 or 6 instalments of £325 


The best investment is in yourself now for potentially lifelong returns.

Some recent words from people who
have experienced my signature Evolve journey:

Ready for a breakthrough…

“Working with Catherine has provided a MUCH longed for breakthrough which truthfully, I wasn’t even sure I could manage despite a lot of previous effort, work and determination.” 

Unlock your true potential… 

“I am seeing the abilities I suspected I had but couldn’t access begin to present themselves. These include emotional poise, confidence, clarity, the ability to hold myself well in relationships, more focus and power, self worth, self love and more.” 

Following your intuition… 

“After looking for a coach for a while, I finally came across Catherine and I’m so glad I was able to follow my intuition. I actually feel like I’ve just walked through the most magically wide open door, into a realm of deep change. I have managed to push through and overcome a huge stumbling block in the healing of my body and mind.” 

Stepping into change… 

“One of the keys was Catherine’s intuitive and deeply intelligent nature, which facilitated a gentle opening of the more tightly locked doors. I truly hope that when I break out into the world of coaching myself that I can be a quarter as powerful as this amazing woman because this is just beyond.”


Finally getting help…
“When I sought help from Catherine, I was feeling overwhelmed. And lonely. And fearful about the big life change I had chosen. And I was scared about money scarcity. I worried I didn’t have the time, energy or the finances to devote to seeking help, but I decided to trust Catherine because she seemed like the kind of therapist who could help me and not make me defend my atypical beliefs.” 
Feeling powerfully resourced… 
“There are no regrets about choosing to work with Catherine because now I feel much more peaceful and powerful. My life is more productive and enjoyable than it used to be.”