Embrace your emotions, sensitivity and self-worth with 1:1 therapeutic coaching

Resolve core inner conflicts, express your authentic self, and live each day like you mean it; using hypnosis and other therapeutic techniques.

Do any of these connect with you?


Who even am I?

Going through the motions, catering to everyone’s needs, while losing sight of who you truly are… You no longer recognise yourself in your choices… Each day in conflict with your own authenticity.

Peel away the layers of confusion and unmask the beauty and freedom in your true self.


Am I worthy?

Beneath your caring exterior lies a persistent doubt — are you truly worthy of love? There’s an emptiness and nagging feeling that you’re not deserving of the same love you give so freely. 

It’s time to attend to this void and embrace a deep truth: you are deserving of love, especially from yourself.


Lost in relationships?

You sacrifice your voice and needs to avoid rocking the boat, resorting to passive-aggressive actions or seething silence. Conflict is scary, and you give away your power.

Now you’re ready to stop playing small and be truly seen and respected in your relationships.


What is stopping me?

You feel there’s an invisible barrier holding you back from living the life you truly desire. Whether it’s emotional heaviness or psychological hurdles, your dreams seem beyond reach.

It’s time to dismantle these blocks, opening the path to your most meaningful and fulfilling life.

Weekly tales of wisdom and guided practices to connect you with your true self

Life lessons – Make regular room for personal growth and uncover the potential in your deepest emotions.  

Includes a powerful reflection on these rich and often humorous life experiences, with carefully selected questions for you to ponder or bring into your journaling.

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About me

I’m always exploring pathways to truth in our physical reality and emotional landscapes. It’s my life’s work to clear our inner distortions and those we project onto the world around us, so we can be truly at peace in our lives.
I deeply value freedom and accountability, and feel blessed to guide those eager to know themselves and live more radiantly.

I’ve faced many personal challenges and setbacks too – fertility issues and miscarriages, marital infidelity and divorce, along with home and family losses. I am grateful for all lessons and opportunities that have opened up as other things fell away.

Over two decades, I’ve worked thousands of hours with people across 3 continents, and happily accepted invitations to speak to global audiences of growth-orientated humans. I cannot imagine a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Work With Me

There are different ways I can help you resolve your inner conflicts, shift unconscious patterns, clarify your emotions and reclaim the respect you deserve, through coaching, hypnosis and other therapeutic techniques.

Inside this 1:1 half-day breakthrough session (or 3 hours over 2 weeks) you’ll gain striking new clarity on your current situation, where you want to be heading (and why) and how you can plan to get there.

A 6-month 1:1 guided journey of deep transformation, allowing you to stand powerfully in your own authority, consciously create a life of meaning and integrity, and step into your fullest potential.

This six-session package is designed for deep support on a more flexible basis and can be used however you like within the 3 months from purchase. 

Immediate guidance and support during life’s tough transitions. 

“Working with Catherine has provided a MUCH longed for breakthrough which truthfully, I wasn’t even sure I could manage despite a lot of previous effort, work and determination. I am seeing the abilities I suspected I had but couldn’t access begin to present themselves.
These include emotional poise, confidence, clarity, the ability to hold myself well in relationships, more focus and power, self worth, self love and more.”
Iris (client)
“Had a massive breakthrough today. Wednesday cleared a load of stuff subconsciously. I can do things more organised and more easily and I’m able to stick to the task more easily. Bless you. You are very in tune with your clients and make a real effort to prep yourself to understand them as well as you can and this manifests so clearly in your work. It’s like you’ve always known me. You gave me so much to think of and to organise in a better way.”
RH (client)

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